There is a new world-market reality and LSPs can help you land it
Clients everywhere are looking for the best talent, and today, more than ever, they are up to find it around the world, no matter where such talent might be located.
Imagine you have to buy, sell, interact, even small-talk with your coworkers but do all this while sitting in one corner of your home – that was ideally conditioned for the purpose–. This is not a hyperbole: companies are now allocating special sections in online co-working platforms even for “watercooler talk”.
Or maybe you belong to one of the industries that already used to find clients online long before the pandemic. You are one of those persons that during the last months have been seeing others go from concerned to preoccupied to desperate. If that is your case, you might have realized how other people around you were much unprepared for something that is already more or less the norm for you.
Now picture the near future. What if, even when you won’t have to continue working remotely, you wanted to? If the present crisis showed something to everybody, it is that distance working not only is possible, but by cutting costs, time and energy, it can literally save companies and individual economies.
What does this mean for small enterprises? For starters, it means that employers are both rearranging their budget for the new global market order and paying more attention to services or products that can be acquired or provided online. Some companies are staying in this tune: they are already planning to maintain or increase their remote operations.
On the opposite end, each year a greater number of users around the world, but even more so as a consequence of the recent events, spend more time reading through their smartphones, desktop computers, tablets, etc.
Government offices are probably the first instance that comes to mind, since at the same time, from the beginning of the distancing health measures, they were forced to continue providing their services while at the same time encouraging physical isolation to their employees and users alike. But other examples of industries where this is happening are abundant.
Another sector that is embracing a remote workflow is e-commerce. Sure, this one is intrinsically remote, but so far the distance was only evident between the seller and the buyer. During the past months, workers of all kinds (e. gr., programming, accounting, customer service) for this industry have been proving over and over their capability to reorganize and be resilient. How well have they been doing? Well, the panorama doesn’t look bad; it might look as if the e-commerce industry shows signs of a promising evolution. Even in countries and regions under very asymmetric conditions, if one niche has enjoyed an evident growth, it is online shopping.
On a more humane note, e-commerce in many cases has enabled people to continue consuming during the hardest times of this year so far.
Collaterally, a sector that is starting to look upwards again is tourism, which understandably is mostly selling future plans. And do not forget the recent boom for sales of home and leisure, and well-being activities during the pandemic.
Marketing is an example apart. It is true that marketing localization has been essential for a long time, and one specific opportunity that has been identified here is market diversification, where logically translation and localization become hyper relevant. But nowadays the whole sector is becoming more global than ever: products, campaigns, catchy slogans… the whole process can take place around the world and at every level. It is also important to note that, according to AdAge, crises call for bigger rather than weaker marketing efforts.
These tales go to show that all commercial activities can –and must– adapt not only for temporary adversities but in fact for new times to come, and probably the best strategy will be to go bigger, try and target other languages speakers, whether domestically or internationally. And this is a very feasible venture even among the current circumstances.
Language services providers or LSPs have been handling international teams and times for a while now. Actually, the language industry is one from which others might learn a thing or two: projects span several continents, sometimes for a single project and in an almost 24/7 flow, which in one word makes it seamless in the practice. The language and translation industry could help you reach new markets as fast as the day after tomorrow.
As a LSP, Jungle Communications is prepared to land your company or agency on any of the opportunities of the new normal.