Building Customer Relationships With Multicultural Marketing


Thanks to the innovative and convenient combination of smartphones, Amazon’s two-day shipping, and Google’s advanced algorithms, today’s consumers have certain expectations. These apply to the purchasing experience they expect when visiting a brand’s e-commerce site. A consumer needs to locate, research, and purchase the product they are looking for in a quick and efficient manner.


A slightly lesser known but equally important expectation is this. Your customer wants to feel like you care about them. If a consumer feels you only care about making profits and increasing your bottom line, this will most likely drive them away to a competitor. Like it or not, today’s consumer has the upper-hand because of the sheer number of options that lay at their fingertips.

Many brands do an above average job connecting with their audience. They produce engaging social media content, educational marketing materials, and offer a study stream of discounts and sales. So, how does a company showcase their commitment to their target audience and stand out from the rest of the pack? This is where a multicultural marketing strategy comes into play.

A multicultural marketing strategy refers to implementing tactics based on the market you are trying to sell to. For example, let’s say you are positioning yourself as a global company and want to increase sales in Mexico. The marketing strategies that work in the United States may not play as well down south. What works in market A, will not work in market B. If a consumer does not feel like you are making the effort to meet their needs, they will navigate to a more local brand that does.

The same issue surrounds translation services as well. Yes, several vendors including Google provide an automated translation service for your website. However, this service falls short in delivering the quality and consistency you need. It does not take into account the dialect your user speaks or the region they are logging in from. This is an issue that hits home on both a local and global level. Even if you are targeting consumers in America, you have to be aware of all the languages they speak.

The issue of translation is even deeper than translating your current website. What happens when you add new content including fresh product pages or educational materials about what you are selling? How will you ensure they are being translated properly? The same question applies when talking about your social media posts or mass customer e-mails. These are crucial pieces of communication that will get lost if not properly translated.

A multicultural marketing strategy is the tool that allows you to solve these issues and open up your customer base to a wider and more global audience. The first step is to identify the marketing you are selling to and the languages those customers speak. Then, you must adapt a unique strategy that speaks to each market individually. Finally, you spread that strategy across all digital channels including your website, social media channels, and online ads.

While all of this sounds great on paper, it may be difficult to implement on your own. As a business owner, your plate is already full, with time-consuming tasks, internal and external meetings, and long-term strategy planning. Plus, even though you may already have a marketing department, how much experience do they have in implementing the type of strategy we laid out above?

A multicultural digital marketing agency is the partner you need to execute these types of strategies and tactics. The right agency will understand how to conduct the proper research of the various markets you are looking to reach. They will be able to leverage that information to create a robust plan of attack that leaves all of your consumers feeling included and welcome. This type of effort and investment will be rewarded by loyalty and a significant increase in your returning and long-term customers.


About Jungle Communications

Jungle Communications is a full-service digital marketing and language translation agency. We focus on offering a variety of digital marketing and language services to help global companies remove the language barrier between themselves and their customers. We do this by creating language based and geo-targeted campaigns and tactics such as advertising, graphic design, marketing collateral website design and more.

We are an independent, California C-Corporation that was founded in 1995. Our past experience includes working with private and public companies to create marketing campaigns and offer translation services for specific customer segments based on language and location.

Our experience includes working alongside well-known brands such as Stanford Business School, American Translators Association, and the Latino Business Action Network, among others.

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